Saturday, October 29, 2005



Here are the rules:
First salvo alternates. This week, Matthew goes first.
150 words - Pro
150 words - Con
100 words - Pro
100 words - Con
50 words - Pro
50 words - Con

The discussion will be posted all at once. As soon as it is posted, anyone may vote. One vote per person - and Kevin and Matthew aren't allowed to try to force your vote one way or the other. Read, decide, and tell us why in a comment.

The more people that participate, the more fun it will be, so spread the word!

~Kevin and Matthew

Kevin, great appeal, but I think Matthew's arguments were more convincing.

Do either of you think my opinion would differ if I had seen the movie?
I have to go with Matt as well. I dislike sports movies in general because Hollywood has such a hard time admitting that "trying harder" won't necessarily make you good enough in sports. Movie audiences don't seem to mind war movies where the stronger, better equipped, better funded soldiers win (Black Hawk Down, any WWII flick, Behind Enemy Lines, Henry V, etc.), but for some reason, movie sports heroes should be old men, fat kids from disfunctional families, racists who can only win if they accept a black kid on the team, and so on. In fairness, I suppose I wouldn't go see a movie about the NY Yankee's winning - again - either.

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