Tuesday, October 25, 2005


First fight: THIS SATURDAY NIGHT 10/29

Fans and soon-to-be fans,

Welcome to Matt v. Kevin! You've known them as roommates and friends, but now you get an exclusive, entertaining look into what happens when their hyper-competitive natures end up on opposite sides of an argument. In short, they drop the gloves (that was a shout-out to all 4 NHL fans still left out there.)

We'll be posting our online word wars weekly, Saturday nights, at an exact time still to be determined. Then, the decision is left up to you! Let me emphasize this...

This blog depends on its readers!

Why? Because readers get to make the call! After you've read the arguments, weigh in with a comment! In your comment, you can vote for the winner of the fight, much like boxing judges. You can also add your own two cents to the discussion, or suggest a topic that you'd like to see debated in the future by your two lovable fighters.

While this blog will accept comments from people that do not have a Blogger account, you must identify yourself so that we can verify your identity. In other words, this post would not count as a vote:

Kevin rox my sox!!!
~ B

But this comment would count as a vote:

Matthew, you really got hammered this time. I vote Kevin. Don't worry, Matthew, I still like you.
- Christy d.

Of course, those with user accounts on Blogger (and identifiable names) will be counted.

Make sense? If not, we're at a loss to figure out how you got to this blog in the first place.

Scoring the fight will be determined as follows:
Majority vote: Win
Two-thirds majority vote: Knockout

The topic for the first fight is a secret to everyone but us, so check in Saturday night to read the arguments and cast your vote!

~ Matthew and Kevin

What a cool idea! I haven't seen anything like this since the political infighter!
LOL. You are both crazy, and I look forward to the first fight:-)

~Tiffany T.
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